Johannes Kepler University (JKU)

The JKU has become one of the largest educational institutions in Upper Austria and enjoys an international reputation not only in conducting base-knowledge research, but also in applied-oriented research. The university offers interdisciplinary and hands-on educational programs designed to meet today’s business and societal needs and our cooperation agreements with over 300 partner universities in over 50 countries as well as 120 professors and over 1800 academy faculty ensure superior research and study conditions.

At JKU currently the COOL lab is being implemented by the key person of the project team (Barbara Sabitzer). COOL is an acronym for COoperative Computer-Science-supported & Cross-curricular Online Open Learning.

The project team is composed by Barbara Sabitzer, professor for Instructional Technology and Informatics Didactics, responsible for the contents concerning “modeling across the subjects” and “didactics”. Heike Demarle-Meusel , post-doc assistant and psychologist with experiences in evaluation and empirical work as well as neurodidactics and Marina Rottenhofer, language teacher and PhD student. Furthermore, 2-3 student assistants of the COOL Lab team as well as teacher students, teachers and their classes, who will test and evaluate the developed teaching units and materials for primary, secondary and higher education, will support our team.

More information may be found in the next link: