In the course of the MaS project, six different outputs have been implemented.

Based on a curricula analysis (O1) in each country, strategies were established for how modeling can be integrated into everyday school life. A ready-to-use-guideline (O2) was drawn up for the integrative application of modeling in class and other learning situations.
The purpose of the MaS framework (O4) is to provide a brief introduction for teachers and policy makers on the potentials of integrating modeling in class. With the Educational Pyramid Scheme (O3), a possibility to efficiently implement innovations in the school system is being tested within the project. The participants are trained in using modeling as teaching and learning strategy, and spread their knowledge within the school system. In cooperation with the partner schools, a collection of materials (O5) for various subjects will be elaborated in the course of the project. These materials are freely accessible for all interested. A modeling tool (O6) is designed to facilitate the use of modeling.