The project Modeling at School aims at bringing two innovative issues to school practice. The first one is computer science modeling as a powerful tool and strategy for teachers and learners that can train 21st century skills like computational thinking, problem solving or creativity. The second one, the educational pyramid scheme, is a new didactical concept that allows integrating this innovative method – and innovation in general – in a relatively short time to a broad audience.
In this project, we develop several outputs that address different target groups, mainly teachers, teacher educators, students, pupils and all stakeholders in the field of education. Besides an analysis of existing curricula in different subjects of primary and secondary education, we develop ready-to-use guidelines for teachers that introduce the basics of modeling techniques and explain how to use them at school in different subjects.

In the course of the project, different outputs arise that address different target groups (teachers, schoolchildren, student teachers and other actors in the education sector).
Find out more about the different outputs here.
The didactic framework for the teaching units, workshops and the development of materials is an effective teaching approach based on neurodidactic principles: COOL Informatics.

The developed materials are made available on the homepage as OER materials.