Title WIRBELTIERE Observations Anhand eines Klassendiagramme werden die Unterkategorien von Wirbeltiere veranschaulicht Target Group Sek 1, 1. Klasse Subject Biology Digital Basic Education Computational Thinking Duration 20 min Diagram Type Class Diagram Language German Link


Title SPORTUTENSILIEN Observations Pupils should think about which utensils are used in different sports and show them in a class diagram. Target Group Sek. 1 Subject Sport Digital Basic Education Computational Thinking Duration 15 min Diagram Type Class Diagram Language …


Title IONEN UND ELEKTROLYSE Observations Pupils learn what ions are and what electrolysis is used for. This relationship should be shown with a class diagram. Target Group Sek 1, 2. Klasse Subject Chemistry Digital Basic Education Computational Thinking Duration 20 …


Title GEMENGE UND REINSTOFFE Observations The properties of batches and basic substances are shown with a class diagram. The pupils should create a class diagram for an example themselves. Target Group 4 Klasse (Sek. 1) Subject Chemistry Digital Basic Education …


Title FORMELN-FINDEN Observations The learners present familiar formulas as a class diagram Target Group Sek 1, 2. Klasse Subject Mathematics/Physics Digital Basic Education Computational Thinking Duration 15-25 min Diagram Type Class Diagram Language German Link


Title FORMELN UND GLEICHUNGEN Observations In mathematics and physics, facts are often represented in formulas and equations. Here are some exercises that give students a playful introduction to this topic. Target Group 2. Klasse Subject Mathematics/Physics Digital Basic Education Computational …


Title STRAHLEN-GÄNGE Observations It is shown how ray paths can be created using an activity diagram Target Group Sek 1, 4. Klasse Subject Physics Digital Basic Education Computational Thinking Duration 30 min Diagram Type Activity Diagram Language German Link


Title ADD FRACTIONS Observations An activity diagram shows how the concept of addition or subtraction of fractions works. Target Group Lehrende Sek 1, 2. Klasse Subject Mathematics Digital Basic Education Computational Thinking Duration 15 min Diagram Type Activity Diagram Language …