Title Safe Candy Eating Observations The students prepare an activity diagram that explains to a “human robot” how to eat candy safely in a public place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Target Group 4-6th grade. Subject Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Environmental …
Product Design
Title Product Design Observations Students in the handcraft class can discover how algorithmic thinking can support the process of product design. In this example, the students design a hat based on geometrical modules. They use a hands-on modeling toolkit and …
Metric Systems in Physics
Title Metric Systems in Physics Observations Diagrams can be very useful to understand various metric systems in natural sciences and in mathematics. How to use diagrams for exploring metric systems and various quantities in Physics? This is an example of …
Human Robot
Title Human Robot Observations Students give written directions for their pairs. The idea of the exercise is that students learn how to give simple and unambiguous instructions. Instructions have to be given in a certain order, or the human-robot won’t …
Children’s right
Title Children’s right Observations Students study the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by moving around on its’ poster with the help of algorithms. Target Group 4-6th grade. Subject Ethics, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science. Digital Basic Education …