Referenzrahmen Modellierung

Modeling is the mother tongue of computer science and, like a foreign language, you have to start with short phrases before you can write an essay. Even if the diagrams are not yet correct in terms of information technology, important informative thinking processes (computational thinking) are still taking place. To be able to classify the models, we therefore used the European reference framework for languages and developed a reference framework for modeling (ReMo). With this model you can classify diagrams quickly and easily.

Top 5 Diagramme

A teachers’ guide describing the top 5 diagrams used in the project Modeling at School. The diagrams described are: (1) Entity-relationship; (2) class & object diagram; (3) activity diagram; (4) use-case diagram; (5) flowchart diagram. For each diagram, an example is proposed.

Kinderkongress Österreich

A multicultural primary school project to foster Computational Thinking. It’s never too early to foster computational thinking and gain the first programming skills. The third class of the Goethe primary school in Linz has confirmed this assumption once again.

Videos & interaktive Aufgaben

In diesem Buch bekommen Sie eine Einführung in das Thema Modellierung und erfahren, wie Sie zum Beispiel graphische Modelle aus der Welt der Informatik schnell und einfach in jedem Unterrichtsfach umsetzen können. Jedes Kapitel beinhaltet ein Lernvideo mit interaktiven Aufgaben, welche auch gleich im Unterricht ausprobiert werden können.